In Which I Discover Figment

Thanks to Reggie and Lauren I discovered this awesome site called Figment. It's like Facebook but for writing. You create your profile, upload your work and read what others are writing!

And let me tell you, there are some amazing things on this site. I'm reading the works of Kimberly Karalius, Linna Lee, Lola, Emily Kane (check her out! Her book Soul is awesome.), Reggie, and I'm sure I'll find more cool authors later on.

There's an ongoing contest that ends soon, where you have to write a story including a set of words you're given. Lauren Oliver's a judge, and you can win an ARC of Delirium, how awesome!

Visit my Profile, and read my WIP, Insomnia. Leave a comment here or there, I'd love to know what you guys think of it.

Is any of you a member of Figment? Let me know!


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