You can read it here, on my blog (click on the title above), or at:
*! They chose my story! YAY!
The SGP team chooses a story every once in a while to post on their website. This time, it was my story, next time it could be yours!
D'you have stories you'd like to share? Send them to:
You don't know what SGP is?
Hilarie Burton, Nick Gray and Kelly Tenney have formed an amazing team, and created Southern Gothic Productions, a film company set in Wilmington, NC.
Us fans contribute in any way we can, as little as it may seem, to the SGP Team it means a great deal. We form the SGP Street Team. Go to their website to find out more.
My dear friend Shesten, over at has posted my story under her weekly "Minimal Investment"!
You haven't checked out her site yet? Shame on you! Click on the link above to go, NOW!
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