Ten days ago, I was on the HarperCollins website, and I found a link called "inkpop" on its footer. I clicked on it, and it took me to the inkpop main page.
After browsing around a bit, I decided to join.
Inkpop is a great site for YA writers, complete with forums, libraries, and much more. It's easy to navigate, and the layout is great too.
You upload your material, and others read it and give you their thoughts. Don't be scared of sharing your work, there's no way anyone can copy your stuff, just try to, you won't be able to! If people like your work, they can "pick" it. The more picks you get, the higher ranked your story is, and it might reach the Top Picks of the month!
The Carrier of the Mark, by Leigh Fallon, was found on inkpop! It's being published on September 13th, 2011.
Listen to the author, Leigh, tell her story about how she was chosen and got a book deal!
I'm loving inkpop because it gives me a space to share my writing and get feedback from people who know what they're talking about.
I'm currently writing my first book, and it's taking me forever to finish it. I started a draft on NaNo '09, and kept on writing it until early 2010. I left it there collecting digital dust, until late last year, when I had a sudden change of heart, and of ideas. I suddenly knew exactly where I wanted my story to go, so I started re-writing it. And now, I'm back to re-re-writing it! I'm changing it up yet again, but I know third time's the charm!
My WIP's titled Insomnia. Here are my short and long pitches for you to read:
Cora is a teenager who knows when people are gonna die... even herself.Ever since she dreamed about a car crash where her best friend died, Cora has known that she has the ability to see when people's lives are ending. But what scares her the most is that she's dreamed about her own death, and in that dream she wasn't alone. Now, she's more worried about the boy she saw than about her own life, and she can't understand why.
So, those pitches aren't exactly award-winning, but they're all I've got for now! If you're on inkpop, or if you aren't but still want to read my story, you can go here to do so. I'm uploading chapter by chapter, as I write and try to edit them. Please leave me a comment with your thoughts if you do! If you don't want to join inkpop, leave a comment here.
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