Blogger Interview: Steph Bowe (Aussie Month Post)


For today's Aussie Post, we have another awesome Blogger.
I think you might know her, her name is Steph Bowe.
Steph's not only a blogger, but a soon-to-be-published author
(who doesn't already know this?
only those who've been living under a rock for the past few months)
and she only 15, people!

So, without further ado:Steph Bowe.

1. Why did you start your blog?
I wanted to be able to talk about what I was reading and writing, because I don't really have many friends who are big readers. Blogging seemed like the perfect way to express my love of YA literature, and I was really happy to discover such a vast online community of fellow YA readers and writers.

2. What are your favorite books? Your favorite authors?
My favourite Australian authors are Simmone Howell, James Roy, Penni Russon, Amra Pajalic, Randa Abdel-Fattah, Kate Constable, Jaclyn Moriarty, Catherine Jinks, Nick Earls and William Kostakis... way too many to list here. I love books by all these authors (my absolute favourites right now are Everything Beautiful by Simmone Howell and After January by Nick Earls).

3. What's it like to be an Aussie Blogger? Do you have to wait much for certain books to get published in AU, for you to buy and read them?
I can't enter in many contests, or get books for review from many American publishers or authors. A lot of books released in America don't come out here, or if they do they come out it might be months or a year later. So I have to order a lot of books online!

But there are good things about being an Australian blogger - Australia has a smaller publishing industry, but a really thriving one - there's such a great community of YA authors, and I get to read and review a lot of Aussie books that aren't published in the US.

4. Tell us something about where you live.
I don't live right in any Australian cities, but I don't live in the outback, either. I live on a dirt road without streetlights and occasionally I see kangaroos or wombats beside the road. I've never seen a koala outside of a zoo. People really do say 'G'day' to each other in the street. I have vegimite on toast for breakfast, but no one wrangles crocodiles that I know of. We never get snow (except on the mountains) and the beaches are great.

All the best,

Thanks Steph for taking the time to answer my questions, I know how busy you are ;)
One of the reasons I love her blog is that she posts great advice for aspiring authors, links to great sites, and she's just honest about what you might find in the publishing industry.

Now, I'm not planning on submitting anything to any agent/publisher right now (apart from the SourceBooks Contest at YALitChat, which is INTERNATIONAL, so anyone can enter), although I'd love to be published one day. I just know that I need to keep working on my WIPs and other projects, before I'm ready to start sending any queries -if I do send any.

But Steph's blog actually makes me want to get my BIC (Butt In Chair), and start writing. There aren't many things that make me want to do that.

Visit Steph's:


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