In Which I Talk About My Beta and Being a Beta

Last year I started a book during NANO. I already had the idea in my mind, and NANO definitely helped me put it on paper. I didn't finish it, I still haven't -writing a book is hard, especially for me, being used to writing short stuff- but I was lucky enough to find me a Beta reader.

Her name is Tanya, and boy, is she awesome!

I think we were meant to work together, because we think so much alike. When I read a part of my MS, and think "I should change this", she'd email me and say "I think this needs a little work" and we're talking about the exact same thing. She really gets my characters and has learned to love them like I do (or at least that's what she tells me! lol), and what could be better than that?

I already know the exact point in which I want my book to end, but I'm having trouble getting there. Tanya has just told me she's finished reading what I've sent her, and that we can start brainstorming. This will help me tremendously! I hope to have a book by the end of July.

I'm crossing my fingers!

Tanya, you have no idea how much I love you, girl! Thanks for being supportive and understanding! (This is my first book ever. Longest thing I've ever written. And it's scary.)


A couple of months ago one of my online friends, Jordyn, said she'd finished her MS, and so I asked her if I could be one of her Betas. She said yes and I squeed! I'd been told her writing was awesome. And it is. I think that for me to get to write stuff as deep as her it'll take a while.

Her novel's called The Movie Romance, and it tells the tale of a girl, Anya, dealing with the loss of her friends.

There are parts in this novel that have me in tears. So powerfully it's written, and so beautifully.

One day, Jor, you'll find an agent and get that recognition you deserve.

So, thank you for letting me read this.


p.s.: Are you an aspiring writer? Do you have an awesome Beta like me?


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